Pac Man Vs Box Art......and its Disc Design!Shigeru Miyamoto's reworking of Namco's classic Pac Man, titled Pac Man Vs, is now widely available throughout the US bundled with copies of I-Ninja, R: Racing Evolution and Pac Man World 2's Player's Choice release. But we have just got our hands on the finalised box art and disc design for the Japanese launch of the multi-player-only GameCube game. Just click each of the images in order to see the full-sized versions. C3 Speculation - Looking at the disc and cover you can clearly see 'Club Nintendo' and a picture of Mario's cap, indicating that this disc is in fact from the Japanese equivalent to the UK's Nintendo VIP Stars scheme. Therefore it can only be assumed that Nintendo is planning to offer Pac Man Vs as a free gift on the Club Nintendo website as well via certain Namco releases. Could this happen in the UK as well? In all honesty, yes! With EA bringing R:Racing Evolution to Europe and failing to comment on whether it will include the Shigsy-made game, I-Ninja cancelled altogether for Europe due to Sony's exclusivity and Pac Man World 2 unlikely to make Player's Choice status over here, the chances of seeing Pac Man Vs any of the ways the US are getting it are rather slim. Therefore it looks more likely the VIP scheme will be used and perhaps a special bundle similar to the recent Zelda Collection one. As always, when we have word of a UK release, we will endeavour to bring you the news first! Please Post Your Comments Below!